Posts by Dr. Bill

‘Frequent fliers’

Posted by on Feb 24, 2017 in Patient Care

‘Frequent fliers’

Risk and cost are high ROCHESTER — Someone needing a Band Aid or a soda out of a fridge: They sound like jokes, but they are just a few examples EMS workers told News10NBC about non-emergency calls they have to respond to every day. Those people who call 911 for non-emergencies, time after time, are often called “frequent fliers.” “Non-emergency calls, it depends on the day, but it sometimes outweighs the emergency calls,” said Chief Matt Comer, Greece Volunteer Ambulance. And those calls can mean that when there is a true emergency, ambulances could have to come from...

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Myths about Cohabitation

Posted by on Feb 13, 2017 in Patient Care

Myths about Cohabitation

New Study Disproves Three We’re currently in the midst of National Marriage Week (Feb. 7-14), a yearly celebration that recognizes the importance of this most basic human institution. We’re also living in an age where cohabitation rates are increasing, in part because our culture increasingly doesn’t value the importance of God’s sacred and foundational gift to men and women. Too many couples simply don’t see the value in getting married. To them, “marriage is just a piece of paper.” From their vantage point, marriage doesn’t bring any added benefits as long as they’re “secure” in their...

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“Supersized” dummies

Posted by on Feb 10, 2017 in Patient Care

“Supersized” dummies

Is “bigger” better? CNN reports that “at the University of Michigan, researchers created “supersized” crash test dummies modeled on today’s obese drivers. “Americans are getting bigger and so are crash test dummies. Researchers at the University of Michigan are designing dummies to look like today’s drivers by “supersizing” existing models. “Crash dummies have been in use for nearly 50 years. These newer models represent older, weightier and obese drivers.  Accurate models help researchers better predict the impact of a crash...

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Prenatal pot use risky

Posted by on Feb 6, 2017 in Patient Care

Prenatal pot use risky

Medical Groups Advise Against Prenatal Cannabis Use Due To Links To Cognitive Impairment, Academic Underachievement. The New York Times (2/2, Saint Louis, Subscription Publication) reports, “As states legalize marijuana or its medical use, expectant mothers are taking it up in increasing numbers,” many presuming that “cannabis has no consequences for developing infants.” But, “marijuana’s main psychoactive ingredient – tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC – can cross the placenta to reach the fetus, experts say, potentially harming brain development, cognition and birth weight.” Currently, “the...

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URMC Video Stories

Posted by on Feb 3, 2017 in Patient Care

URMC Video Stories

Watch URMC’s Super Bowl Ads As the Atlanta Falcons and New England Patriots take to the field on Super Bowl this coming Sunday, UR Medicine will be taking to the airwaves. Two local ads will run on Fox Rochester during the game to showcase the exceptional care offered at our region’s leading medical center. The first video ad highlights URMC’s stroke care program and the second one its heart transplant program. The third video tells the story in more depth of Michael, the patient featured in the heart transplant ad. Click on a picture below to get a sneak peek: The region’s only...

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