Posts by Dr. Bill

Churches can help

Posted by on Oct 22, 2016 in Patient Care, Support

Churches can help

A new video shows how Rochester churches have inspired members to eat healthier, get active and lower their blood pressure. The three-minute story follows the work of the Interdenominational Health Ministry Coalition, a group of volunteer health champions who partner with the High Blood Pressure Collaborative in more than 20 churches. Produced for the Collaborative’s Urban Wellness Summit at the Maplewood YMCA held on September 29,  the video includes participants sharing their motivations for lifestyle change, like this father’s love for his two-year old son: “I want to make sure that I’m...

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EHR devours MD time

Posted by on Sep 15, 2016 in Patient Care

EHR devours MD time

A new AMA-supported study found that physicians spend far more time working on electronic health records (EHRs) and desk work than they do meeting face to face with their patients. Published online Sept. 6 by Annals of Internal Medicine, the study, “Allocation of Physician Time in Ambulatory Practice: A Time and Motion Study in 4 Specialties,” involved observations of 57 U.S. physicians in family medicine, internal medicine, cardiology, and orthopedics who were observed for a total of 430 hours, with 21 of them also completing after-hours diaries. Click here to read the study...

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CCHF Highlights HBHS

Posted by on Aug 28, 2016 in Leadership, Support

CCHF Highlights HBHS

Summer Newsletter 2016 Check out this summer’s edition of the CCHF newsletter, just out August 26, for a cameo appearance of our ministry! Six of us attended the annual CCHF Conference this year in Oklahoma City and were energized by the fellowship, teaching, and worship we experienced together. For over 30 years CCHF has been an inspiration to us and centers serving the underprivileged like ours around the country. It’s an honor to have them standing with us in prayer and support for the future of our ministry. Read the newsletter in flipbook format above, or download a PDF...

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NHSC Opportunities

Posted by on Jul 21, 2016 in Patient Care, Staff

NHSC Opportunities

New NHSC Poster Available! The NHSC has created a new poster to highlight its scholarship and loan repayment programs for potential applicants. Please feel free to display the poster in various settings to raise awareness about available opportunities to primary health care students and practicing clinicians. We also encourage you to share the poster with relevant networks through your outreach channels. Thank you. National Health Service Corps Students pursuing primary care careers: The Scholarship Program pays for tuition and fees of future primary care providers, including physicians,...

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FQHC Application is in!

Posted by on Jul 20, 2016 in Leadership, Support

FQHC Application is in!

After 3 months of prodigious work by our dedicated Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) application team, led by Stephanie Smith with expert assistance from Jan Thirlby, Deb Blanchard, Valerie, Norm, Josh Moody, and many more staff and Board members, we’ve finally succeeded in submitting our full application for FQHC New Access Point (NAP) designation! This was truly the “heavy lift” we had anticipated, and even more! The huge page Phase 2 application, which was due on July 15, had our teams meeting daily as we drew closer to the deadline and nearly overnight for the...

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