Posts by Dr. Bill

Grace Family Medicine News

Posted by on Oct 15, 2004 in Leadership, Staff

His Branches seeks clinic designation Under the guidance of our new Executive Director, Scott Sittig, we are actively in the process of establishing the services offered by the physicians at Grace Family Medicine Associates as a Diagnostic and Treatment Facility under Article 28 of New York’s Public Health Law, a designation that will help us to expand the scope of the clinical care we offer to better serve the needs of the community. The doctors in the practice are at full capacity and yet are receiving multiple requests for expansion of their services to new patients. In conjunction...

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GFM Picnic in Cohocton

Posted by on Aug 29, 2003 in Staff

GFM Picnic in Cohocton

On a warm, sunny day earlier this month Grace Family Medicine held its annual staff picnic at the Morehouse family property in Steuben County, and we all had a great time. The weather cooperated wonderfully; the swimming was very refreshing; and the s’mores were as sticky-sweet as ever! Here’s the twilight gang hanging out and loading up marshmallows for making s’mores… Question: Did we really come this far out into the country without being eaten by wild animals?. For more pics, click...

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