Posts by Dr. Bill

Welcome Eric Kerr, PA

Posted by on Jul 30, 2017 in Patient Care, Staff

Welcome Eric Kerr, PA

Please join us in welcoming Eric Kerr as a much-needed Physician Assistant (PA) addition our provider staff! Eric grew up in the Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire region. After high-school he received training to be an airplane mechanic in the US Marine Corp where he served for 4 years before going on to complete his medical training. While taking college classes, he provided complete care as a live-in room mate to a young man with severe developmental disabilities. Eric was a founding member of the Direct Support Professional Association of New Hampshire and  actively involved in...

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Moderate alcohol risky

Posted by on Jun 7, 2017 in Patient Care

Moderate alcohol risky

Consuming Moderate Amounts Of Alcohol May Be Associated With Changes In Brain Structure, Increased Risk Of Worsening Brain Function. ABC World News Tonight (6/6, story 8, 0:20, Muir) reported that research suggests “moderate drinking may be riskier than previously” believed. USA Today (6/6, Painter) reports that investigators found “moderate drinkers were more likely than abstainers or light drinkers to develop worrisome brain changes that might signal eventual memory loss.” Additionally, “they…were more likely to show rapid slippage on a language test, though not on several other...

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Adverse Childhood Experiences

Posted by on Jun 5, 2017 in Patient Care

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Childhood abuse raises the risk of serious mental and physical problems later Research has shown that childhood trauma, ranging from parents’ divorce to alcoholism in the home, increases the odds of heart disease, stroke, depression, suicide, diabetes, lung diseases, alcoholism and liver disease later in life. It also increases risky health behaviors like smoking and having a large number of sexual partners. And it contributes to “low life potential,” according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. And one more thing: those traumatized as children die earlier. Childhood Trauma: Too Much...

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Effective Handwashing

Posted by on Jun 2, 2017 in Patient Care

Effective Handwashing

Washing Hands With Cold Or Lukewarm Water May Be Just As Effective As Using Hot Water, Study Suggests. TIME (6/1, MacMillan) reports that washing hands “with cold or lukewarm water will work just as well as hot water to remove bacteria, according to a new study published in the Journal of Food Protection.” Handwashing experiments conducted with 21 volunteers revealed “no significant difference in cleaning power between water that was 60, 79 or 100 degrees Fahrenheit.” Investigators also “found that lathering hands for just 10 seconds was sufficient to remove...

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No Juice for Babies

Posted by on May 22, 2017 in Patient Care

No Juice for Babies

New Guidelines Say Children Under One Year Old Should Not Be Given Fruit Juice. The New York Times “Well” blog reports that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is “advising parents to stop giving fruit juice to children in the first year of life, saying the drink is not as healthful as many parents think.” The AAP has “toughened its stance against juice, recommending that the drink be banned entirely from a baby’s diet during the first year.” Meanwhile, “The new report, published online in Pediatrics, also advised restricting fruit juice to four ounces daily for 1- to 3-year-olds, and...

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