Patient Care

Upgrading to Medent

Posted by on Jan 25, 2015 in Patient Care, Support

Upgrading to Medent

Get ready! After months of planning and extensive preparation, we’re on the verge of converting over from the Electronic Health Record (EHR) that we’ve been using for the past 10+ years to a more robust system called Medent. The decision to change was made last spring after months of prayer and research into our future needs for a more sophisticated system to handle the increasing patient care requirements of our Patient Centered Medical Home as well as the complexities of clinic billing. For the past 7 months we’ve been working extensively behind the scenes with both our...

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Posted by on Dec 21, 2014 in Patient Care, Support


Christmas card received from a grateful patient: “The Lord has brought me through the “Valley of the Shadow of Death” into Light & Life. He has used you very significantly and the ministry of His Branches. May the Lord continue to use you to bring Light & Life to the Arnett neighborhood and the Rochester area. “I thank the Lord for you often. “Happy Holidays and a Most joyous Christmas Celebration. Where would we be without our Victorious Savior, the Eternal God and Everlasting King of Kings !!” We thank God also for  the privilege of serving...

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Our New Care Manager

Posted by on Jul 14, 2014 in Patient Care, Staff

Our New Care Manager

We invite you to join us in welcoming Babette Burgan, RN, MSW, to our office staff as our new Care Manager. Supported by our clinical care teams and undergirded by a generous CMMI Practice Improvement grant, Babette brings her strong faith and a wealth of education and experience to her interdisciplinary position. As not only a Registered Nurse but as a trained and experienced Licensed Master Social Worker, she is already working with our care teams to identify and proactively manage the care needs of high risk patients in our practice. Among other tasks, her role includes providing...

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Posted by on May 12, 2014 in Patient Care


One of our dedicated Board Members, Michael Braun, and I just returned from a very energizing national conference in Atlanta, GA – the annual gathering of the Christian Community Health Fellowship (CCHF). Since the early days in the late 1970s when there were only a handful of centers like ours around the country, CCHF has grown to represent over a hundred clinics who are committed to living out the gospel through healthcare among the poor. We were inspired, challenged, and encouraged and have returned to Rochester with renewed vigor in carrying out our mission locally. Part of what...

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The Flu Vaccine has arrived!

Posted by on Sep 20, 2013 in Patient Care

The Flu Vaccine has arrived!

Where: Available now at both of our offices. Call today to get your shot! Description: The CDC recommends receiving the vaccination as soon as it is available this year. The vaccine is covered by Medicaid, Medicare, and all commercial insurance companies. We also have special plans for self-pay patients. Flu vaccines are designed to protect against three influenza viruses that experts predict will be the most common during the upcoming season. Three kinds of influenza viruses commonly circulate among people today: influenza B viruses, influenza A (H1N1) viruses, and influenza A (H3N2)...

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Whole Person Care

Posted by on Sep 28, 2006 in Leadership, Patient Care

Whole Person Care

On September 25-27, 2006 Dr. Dan Fountain conducted a 3-day workshop on “Caring for the Whole Person” at Roberts Wesleyan College. Dr. Morehouse assisted him again this year. The course was open to pastors, counselors, students, and health professionals in our region and offered up to 21 hours of Category I CME credit for physicians who attended. Dr. Fountain is the author of numerous books in English and French on community health, primary health care, and care for the whole person and served as a missionary physician in Kenya for 35 years before returning to the States where he...

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