Posts by Dr. Bill

Happy New Year 2016!

Posted by on Jan 1, 2016 in Leadership, Patient Care, Pregnancy, Staff, Support

Happy New Year 2016!

We welcome you to join us in making 2016 an even better year for all of us in our personal health and in our relationships with our families, friends, neighbors, and co-workers, as well as in learning how to live meaningful lives of service to those around us! His Branches Health Services is looking forward to continued growth, and we’re counting on your support and prayer along the way as we: work more closely together as teams to meet your needs. grow our Patient Centered Medical Home and make it even more “home-like.” learn more about the advanced capabilities of our new...

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Winter Missions Breakfast 2016

Posted by on Dec 30, 2015 in Staff

Winter Missions Breakfast 2016

Focus On Missions If you’re a health care provider or know someone who is, please consider setting aside the date and signing up now for the Medical Community Christian Fellowship (MCCF) Winter Missions Breakfast coming up on Saturday, January 23rd, from 9-11 am at the Rochester Academy of Medicine, 1441 East Avenue. We’re looking forward to some inspiring presentations (see list below) so mark your calendars, respond using our RSVP page, and come out to hear how some of your colleagues are crossing cultures to share their faith and skills with people groups in need. Dr. Chase...

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FQHC Investigations

Posted by on Dec 20, 2015 in Insurance, Leadership, Support

FQHC Investigations

To FQHC and beyond? As some of you may know, His Branches Health Services (HBHS) is a Community Health Center (also called a “Diagnostic & Treatment Center” or “D&TC”) licensed by New York State to provide quality care to underserved individuals and families in Rochester. This designation enables our Board of Directors to oversee not only the character of the care we provide but its quality as well. Along with carrying out a number of quality assurance initiatives, including those mandated by ongoing Meaningful Use, Patient Centered Medical Home, and...

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CMDA Northeast Winter Conference

Posted by on Dec 6, 2015 in Leadership, Staff

CMDA Northeast Winter Conference

Looking for a break? Consider signing up for the CMDA Northeast Winter Conference, January 15-17 at Sandy Cove on the Atlantic coast in Maryland. This annual conference brings Christians in healthcare from all levels of training and practice, specialty and disciplines – and their families – to the shore of the Chesapeake Bay with the express purpose of providing a restful environment in which to reconnect with God’s purpose for their lives. During this weekend you will learn about integrating a biblical understanding of health and personhood with medicine and be encouraged to...

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Light and Life – Fall 2015

Posted by on Sep 16, 2015 in Leadership, Patient Care, Staff

Light and Life – Fall 2015

Take a break! MCCF is hosting a Regional Conference on Saturday, October 17 in Rochester, New York and you don’t want to miss it! Click here for the whole scoop, then sign up and invite your friends. And here’s a PDF brochure you can print and use to help us get the word out! Light and Life – Being living letters in a post-Christian...

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