Heart Failure Risk

Posted by on Oct 22, 2016 in Patient Care | 0 comments

Heart Failure Risk

NSAIDs Increase Heart Failure Risk

research study recently published in the British Medical Journal found that people who used some commonly used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, see list below) had a 19% higher risk of hospital admission for heart failure overall. The study further found that the rate was much higher for Toradol (ketorolac – 83%), than for Aleve (naproxen – 16%), and some such as Celebrex (celecoxib) were associated with little or no increased risk.

In an accompanying editorial, Dr. Gunnar H. Gislason, chief scientific officer of the Danish Heart Foundation, wrote, “There is difference between the NSAIDs in risk of heart failure and higher dosages are associated with increased risk.” He concludes that the study shows “the elderly and patients with any heart condition should avoid NSAIDs.” The study was based on data covering 92,000 people admitted to hospitals in the Netherlands, Italy, Germany and the U.K. from 1999 to 2010.

Click here for a fairly comprehensive list of NSAIDs. Note that at least two of these (Vioxx and Bextra) have been removed from the market and that OTC products like aspirin taken in low doses were not clearly identified as a risk.

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