Dr. Auty Leaving GFM

Posted by on Sep 15, 2006 in Staff | 0 comments

Dr. Auty Leaving GFM

Earlier this week

Dr. Auty shared the following letter with us:

Dear Bill, Billie Jo, His Branches Staff, and Board,

As you know, my husband has graduated and has been looking for a job for some time. After interviewing in and out of the Rochester area, he has received a job offer in Lexington, Kentucky. We have been seeking God for a while about this issue and His leading has been very clear throughout the process that we should accept the offer in Kentucky. What this means is that I am resigning my position and will be leaving the practice within the next 30 days.

Effective immediately I will no longer be accepting any new patients. Established patients may continue to make appointments for care up until 10/13/06, which is the last day I plan to be in the office. Other plans for transition of care are pending.

While I am grateful for God’s provision, I am sad to be leaving you and the patients. When I started here I never dreamed that I would be leaving. I am thankful for all of your prayers, your kindness, and the many ways you have demonstrated to me what it means to love and serve our Lord.

Clara L. Auty, MD

 We will all miss Dr. Auty very much when she and Ron move to Kentucky next month and have already begun looking seriously for another provider to join our practice. If you know anyone who might be interested, please call us at 235-2250.

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