Wil George, NP, joins GFM

Posted by on Nov 6, 2006 in Staff | 0 comments

Wil George, NP, joins GFM

We are very pleased

to announce that Wilfred (“Wil”) George will be joining our heath care team at Grace Family Medicine as a seasoned Adult Nurse Practitioner this month. Although we are all still working through our sadness about Dr. Auty’s recent departure, we are fortunate to have found a man of Wil’s character and qualifications to help fill the void she has left. To quote one of his previous supervisors:

“Wilfred is an extremely conscientious Nurse Practitioner who demonstrated clinical abilities far above average… his knowledge base was quite thorough… I felt I was able to trust Wilfred’s clinical judgment… I would highly recommend Wilfred for a Nurse Practitioner position in any medical field.”

In addition to assuming the clinical care of a number of Dr. Auty’s patients along with our other Nurse Practitioner, Billie Jo Young, Wil’s practice will be open to new patients from the community.

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