Posts by Dr. Bill

Don’t fall on ice!

Posted by on Nov 22, 2017 in Patient Care

Don’t fall on ice!

You don’t see penguins slip & fall on ice. Know why? They walk flat footed They take short steps They walk with their arms at their sides (not in their pockets) They concentrate on maintaining balance Avoid slips, sprains and strains by watching out for snow-covered/black ice and uneven surfaces, checking your tread, practicing defensive walking and also walking like a penguin! Do the penguin shuffle University of Rochester Winter Walking Safety Tips Environmental Health &...

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OTC Pain Relief

Posted by on Nov 8, 2017 in Patient Care

OTC Pain Relief

OTC Pain Medications May Be Just As Effective As Opioids For Treating Short-Term, Severe Pain, Study Suggests. The AP(11/7, Tanner) reports researchers found that over-the-counter pain medications may be just as effective as opioids “for treating short-term, severe pain” in EDs. The findings were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. HealthDay (11/7, Reinberg) reports the researchers “randomly assigned more than 400 patients who were suffering moderate-to-severe acute pain in an arm or leg to either ibuprofen plus acetaminophen, or to acetaminophen plus one of three...

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15 Questions

Posted by on Nov 7, 2017 in Patient Care

15 Questions

Most-Googled health questions in NY How do you stop diarrhea? How long does the flu last? How many calories should I eat in a day? New Yorkers have a lot of questions about their health. These are the New York area’s most-Googled health questions, answered by Dr. Alan Mensch, a pulmonologist and senior vice president of medical affairs at Plainview and Syosset hospitals. Click here to read the full...

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Teen Drug Potential

Posted by on Nov 7, 2017 in Patient Care

Teen Drug Potential

Teens Dependent On Marijuana, Alcohol Likely To Have Lower “Social Economic Potential,” Study Suggests. The New York Daily News (11/6, Dziemianowicz) reports University of Connecticut researchers in a new study using data from the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism “found that teens who are dependent on marijuana and alcohol ‘achieved lower levels of education, were less likely to be employed full time, were less likely to get married and had lower social economic potential.'” The investigators “underscored that their study focused on...

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Obesity Rates Rising

Posted by on Oct 18, 2017 in Patient Care

Obesity Rates Rising

Health Experts Call For Changes To Food Environment As CDC Research Shows Rising Obesity Rates. With obesity rates in the US at “a new high,” public health experts are calling for “an aggressive shift in strategy – one that would change the food environment through initiatives such as soda taxes,” USA Today (10/17, Toy) reports. Traditional “public health efforts have centered on communicating messages about what is healthy in the hopes of changing people’s behavior,” but new research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics shows a steady...

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