Progress Notes

Important and interesting news items from your health office

CCHF May Conference!

Posted by on Feb 21, 2016 in Leadership, Staff | 0 comments

CCHF May Conference!

You’re invited to join us

in May at the annual Christian Community Health Fellowship (CCHF) “Reconciliation” Conference in Oklahoma City! CCHF is “a community of Christian health professionals committed to living out the gospel through healthcare among the poor.” A group from Rochester will be traveling together to share a weekend of inspiring presentations and fellowship with other believers in health care from around the country.

Student and resident-in-training scholarships and volunteer subsidies are available. Please open and read the attached flyer or visit CCHF online at for more details. Dr. Morehouse will be one of the many Workshop presenters at the conference, leading a professional session about how to integrate faith-based inquiry and prayer into clinical encounters on a regular basis.

Questions? Just contact us.


URMC Researchers

Posted by on Feb 8, 2016 in Patient Care | 0 comments

URMC Researchers

URMC Researchers showcased

During yesterday’s Super Bowl our very own University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) ran two ads, one of which showcased the variety of medical research work being carried out by scientific investigators there. A news release put out by the University tells the story:

3,000 researchers

Approximately 3,000 people are involved in research at URMC. While they’re spread across many centers and labs and study everything from cancer and heart disease to HIV and aging, they all share the same goal: Improve patient care.

Our scientists contributed technology that led to the HPV vaccine, which protects against cervical cancer. Surfactant, which is administered routinely to premature infants to speed lung development, was approved based on extensive studies conducted at URMC. Research in stroke, muscular dystrophy, lymphoma, arthritis, autism, and many other areas holds great promise.

Research provides hope for a better life for our patients, now and in the future. To underscore the importance of science and how it makes UR Medicine stand apart, we interviewed a small sample of the thousands of individuals involved in research.

from UR Medicine on Vimeo.


Golisano at Superbowl!

Posted by on Feb 2, 2016 in Patient Care | 0 comments

Golisano at Superbowl!

New Golisano Children’s Hospital is Now Open

Those of us on staff at Strong/Golisano are proud to be part of a hospital system that values children. Be sure to tune in during the 3rd quarter of the Superbowl this coming Sunday to see the brand new URMC promotional video on your own home TV (or the even bigger one at your friend’s house). But for those of you who can’t wait until then, here’s a preview of upcoming prime time events:

You Are My Sunshine – UR Medicine | Golisano Children’s Hospital from UR Medicine on Vimeo.

Heart Health

Posted by on Feb 1, 2016 in Patient Care | 0 comments

Heart Health

What is heart disease?

Heart disease – also called coronary heart disease – is a simple term used to describe several problems related to cholesterol buildup in the walls of the arteries, or atherosclerosis. As this builds up, the arteries narrow, making it more difficult for blood to flow and creating a risk for heart attack or stroke.

Other types of heart disease include heart failure, an irregular heartbeat – or arrhythmia – and heart valve problems. To learn more about heart disease and conditions that can lead to heart disease, heart attack or stroke, click here to visit the American Heart Association website or call us to make an appointment with your doctor.


Sanctity of Human Life

Posted by on Jan 4, 2016 in Pregnancy | 0 comments

Sanctity of Human Life

January is Sanctity of Life Month

How many people do you see when you spot a pregnant woman? At His Branches Health Services, we see two and we’re ready to care for both of them because we believe in the sanctity (miraculous God-like nature) of all human life, from the moment of conception to the time of natural death. Join us in celebrating and promoting Life, not only during January but all year long!

Do you know someone who is or might be pregnant and is struggling with how she is going to carry on? Call our office at 585-235-2250 for an appointment and bring her in right away.

Are you part of a church? Join believers around the country in upholding the lives of the unborn on January 17, national Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.

Happy New Year 2016!

Posted by on Jan 1, 2016 in Leadership, Patient Care, Pregnancy, Staff, Support | 0 comments

Happy New Year 2016!

We welcome you

to join us in making 2016 an even better year for all of us in our personal health and in our relationships with our families, friends, neighbors, and co-workers, as well as in learning how to live meaningful lives of service to those around us! His Branches Health Services is looking forward to continued growth, and we’re counting on your support and prayer along the way as we:

  • work more closely together as teams to meet your needs.
  • grow our Patient Centered Medical Home and make it even more “home-like.”
  • learn more about the advanced capabilities of our new Medent EMR system.
  • expand our national certifications beyond Meaningful Use and PCMH to FQHC status.
  • recruit another physician to join our staff who likes to deliver babies.
  • understand more about applying living faith in all that we do.

God bless you all!

Winter Missions Breakfast 2016

Posted by on Dec 30, 2015 in Staff | 0 comments

Winter Missions Breakfast 2016

Focus On Missions

If you’re a health care provider or know someone who is, please consider setting aside the date and signing up now for the Medical Community Christian Fellowship (MCCF) Winter Missions Breakfast coming up on Saturday, January 23rd, from 9-11 am at the Rochester Academy of Medicine, 1441 East Avenue.

We’re looking forward to some inspiring presentations (see list below) so mark your calendars, respond using our RSVP page, and come out to hear how some of your colleagues are crossing cultures to share their faith and skills with people groups in need.

  • Dr. Chase Miller (Otolaryngology) Togo, West Africa
  • Dr. Ellen Dailor (Anesthesiology) – Shisong Hospital, Cameroon
  • Dr. Gary Enders (Family Medicine) Honduras
  • Dr. Chris Borghi-Cavallaro (Family Medicine) – Update from Managua

The cost is only $10 for students and $15 for community caregivers, payable at the door (please note that MCCF ends up paying for “no-shows.”

FQHC Investigations

Posted by on Dec 20, 2015 in Insurance, Leadership, Support | 0 comments

FQHC Investigations

To FQHC and beyond?

As some of you may know, His Branches Health Services (HBHS) is a Community Health Center (also called a “Diagnostic & Treatment Center” or “D&TC”) licensed by New York State to provide quality care to underserved individuals and families in Rochester. This designation enables our Board of Directors to oversee not only the character of the care we provide but its quality as well.

Along with carrying out a number of quality assurance initiatives, including those mandated by ongoing Meaningful Use, Patient Centered Medical Home, and Accountable Health Partners certification, we are seriously beginning to look at what is involved in going beyond being what could be called a “State Qualified Health Center” to become a “Federally Qualified Health Center” or “FQHC.” We’ve been going over the application process and find that becoming licensed by NY State has almost gotten us there, but it’s still another stretch and a piece of work not only to put together but to maintain.

The end result would represent a further improvement in the patient care data analysis we do as part of our quality assurance activities and would enhance our reimbursement formula, allowing us to serve the community better. Click here if you’d like to find out more or help us along the way!


CMDA Northeast Winter Conference

Posted by on Dec 6, 2015 in Leadership, Staff | 0 comments

CMDA Northeast Winter Conference

Looking for a break?

Consider signing up for the CMDA Northeast Winter Conference, January 15-17 at Sandy Cove on the Atlantic coast in Maryland. This annual conference brings Christians in healthcare from all levels of training and practice, specialty and disciplines – and their families – to the shore of the Chesapeake Bay with the express purpose of providing a restful environment in which to reconnect with God’s purpose for their lives. During this weekend you will learn about integrating a biblical understanding of health and personhood with medicine and be encouraged to discover the kind of medicine God is leading you to practice through our theme, Seeing Healthcare with New Eyes.

Conference activities include meaningful plenary sessions, encouraging small group discussions, free time with organized and informal activities, an Attending Track, Healthcare Specialties Lunch, Children’s program, excellent food and facilities, and an amazing environment in which to reconnect with the Lord. This is a wonderful opportunity for Christian healthcare professionals at all levels of training and practice in the Northeast to take time away from the “hamster wheel” of modern healthcare practice and training for rest, encouragement and an opportunity to reflect on God’s call on their lives.

Click here for more information about the Conference and how you can sign up!


Light and Life – Fall 2015

Posted by on Sep 16, 2015 in Leadership, Patient Care, Staff | 0 comments

Light and Life – Fall 2015

Take a break!

MCCF is hosting a Regional Conference

on Saturday, October 17

in Rochester, New York

and you don’t want to miss it!

Click here for the whole scoop, then sign up and invite your friends. And here’s a PDF brochure you can print and use to help us get the word out!

Light and Life – Being living letters in a post-Christian world

light-life banner